Monday, May 6, 2024

Swill, Swirl and the Epistles

Everyone I know . . .atleast most everyone. . . Knows this about me: 

 "I love the swill and swirl as words untangle emotions"

Our mother loved them too.  I have many examples of that.

In about 2010,  mother put her thoughts into words regarding how she felt about being the recipient of care.  I’ve been looking for those but alas they remain on the missing list.  I do know she had a difficult time adapting to being the one who was cared for – especially when the person doing the caring was her first-born child.

In my quest for those words, I’ve come upon many other examples of words – hers, mine, and others.  That’s because my May project is to clean out and reorganize my files.

And in doing so I’ve found lots of words…in notes and letters.

I have notes from my high school sweetheart and letters from two uncles (Ted and Bill) that I received when Ray Parker chose to live a life without me and our children.  I have a note that my son wrote defending the upset that his elder sister was experiencing before she went to college and one that she wrote when she had fallen in love. I have lots of thank you notes from both of my parents and I have a letter I wrote to my children, on Mother’s Day, 1995. 

I am so glad that I kept all of those letters.  Although I have no idea what my children will do with them when it’s their turn to go through mom’s files.  The files will hopefully be somewhat organized.

I recently finished an inspirational experience with a large group at the Mandarin Presbyterian Church. We read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in 100 days.

And my favorite part??? The Epistles – because they are simply put – letters. They have a greeting, words of appreciation – words of encouragement (as well as reprimand and correction) and then they end with words of thankfulness.  Of course, those books are my favorite - I love letters.

For our mother’s birthday one year, I gave her a scrapbook filled with notes from family and friends. 

That was 19 years ago. However, I have hopefully followed her example and when I think of someone who needs encouragement, I like to send a note.

This is not hard for me – because I love thoughts that turn into words and sentences and paragraphs.  And as much as I enjoy writing, I also really like to read which is why I am giving myself the month of May to complete this arduous project.

"Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart (that end up on the computer screen), be acceptable to you, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer". Psalm 19:14.

May you have enough sunshine in your life,

 to make you appreciate the shadows

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