Sunday, December 17, 2023

The blocks spelled...

Talk about JOY 

Tray is my  "love to do something unique when it comes to giving a gift" child.  His sisters give great gifts...but he has to do something just a tad different.  When he was 8, he raked leaves and saved his allowance to buy me a used waffle iron.  When he was 20, he bought and set up a train - something I had wanted when he was growing up and never felt I could afford. 

As I said - he is the giver of great gifts.

He and his sweet wife, Kristen lived in Virginia.  They were home for Christmas.  The Huffingham family was gathered at my brother, Lester's home.  All the presents had been exchanged when Tray said there was one more gift. He handed my mother, my sister, his sister, and me small bags.  A child's alphabet block was included in each bag.

 Talk about JOY.    

That was 21 years ago.  That grandchild - plus her 6 cousins continues to bring this grandma much joy.

As I enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, I was thrilled to see the portrayal of Joseph and Mary -- two children who are now teenagers - Matt Scaggs and Annabelle Lunsford -- I couldn't believe they have grown up.  I see them acolyte now and a couple of Sundays ago Annabelle was the first Crucifer (she carried the cross at the beginning of the procession).     It seems just yesterday when they were babies - and as it happens, they are two of my favorites.

And I listened to their words - I thought of the fact that usually when there is going to be a baby there is much JOY.

I thought of Joseph's words - and reactions - and how he accepted that huge responsibility.

I thought of the scriptures about Mary - her serenity - and the fact that the Bible says she pondered those things in her heart - meaning when the shepherds came and praised God for this Birth - Mary was quiet --  I've always said I can never be quiet about something that means a lot to me

I've never been quiet about the gifts Tray gave me.  In fact, I am never quiet about any of my children or grandchildren

You might say they bring me great joy! 

                                                     May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows

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