Sunday, December 24, 2023

Buy the Boots

It is the fourth Sunday of Advent. We light the candle of Love.

I have always loved O Henry's short story, The Gift of the Magi.

No one is surprised. You know me as a hopeless romantic.

If you are not familiar with the story, it's about a young couple who have meager resources. She cuts her hair and sells it so that she can buy him a watch chain. He sells his watch to buy her a beautiful comb for the long locks that are now gone.

The idea is that when we love someone, we give of ourselves - because we love them and want what's best for them.

Fortunately, I have never had to sell something to buy a gift for a loved one. I have had to think and pray a long time about what to give. And I have more than once been on the receiving end of some incredibly special gifts and Christmas experiences.

I still have the Christmas skater that my parents sent me in 1971 when Becca was a newborn.

I still wear the cross necklace that Rich Suhey gave me in 1996.  

And I still enjoy the black cape that was a special gift from my parents in 2006.

"You do a lot for us - and for others", my daddy said. "So, I want you to buy yourself something special".

That's when capes were very popular. I told him that's what I wanted, and I thought they were very expensive.

That didn't matter.

So, I went to TJ Maxx. I expected to spend $100 or more.

My cape cost $29.

And then there are my boots.

I shopped Amazon and found some black dress boots. They cost more than I wanted to spend. In conversation, I shared that with my friend.

When I opened my Christmas card, there were a couple of "bills" - and three words:

Buy the boots

I don't think that gift required a huge sacrifice. Nor did my cape, the cross necklace or even the little snow girl.

The important thing is that they are all gifts of love.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son. . .”.

                                                    May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows


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