Sunday, December 24, 2023

Buy the Boots

It is the fourth Sunday of Advent. We light the candle of Love.

I have always loved O Henry's short story, The Gift of the Magi.

No one is surprised. You know me as a hopeless romantic.

If you are not familiar with the story, it's about a young couple who have meager resources. She cuts her hair and sells it so that she can buy him a watch chain. He sells his watch to buy her a beautiful comb for the long locks that are now gone.

The idea is that when we love someone, we give of ourselves - because we love them and want what's best for them.

Fortunately, I have never had to sell something to buy a gift for a loved one. I have had to think and pray a long time about what to give. And I have more than once been on the receiving end of some incredibly special gifts and Christmas experiences.

I still have the Christmas skater that my parents sent me in 1971 when Becca was a newborn.

I still wear the cross necklace that Rich Suhey gave me in 1996.  

And I still enjoy the black cape that was a special gift from my parents in 2006.

"You do a lot for us - and for others", my daddy said. "So, I want you to buy yourself something special".

That's when capes were very popular. I told him that's what I wanted, and I thought they were very expensive.

That didn't matter.

So, I went to TJ Maxx. I expected to spend $100 or more.

My cape cost $29.

And then there are my boots.

I shopped Amazon and found some black dress boots. They cost more than I wanted to spend. In conversation, I shared that with my friend.

When I opened my Christmas card, there were a couple of "bills" - and three words:

Buy the boots

I don't think that gift required a huge sacrifice. Nor did my cape, the cross necklace or even the little snow girl.

The important thing is that they are all gifts of love.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son. . .”.

                                                    May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows


Sunday, December 17, 2023

The blocks spelled...

Talk about JOY 

Tray is my  "love to do something unique when it comes to giving a gift" child.  His sisters give great gifts...but he has to do something just a tad different.  When he was 8, he raked leaves and saved his allowance to buy me a used waffle iron.  When he was 20, he bought and set up a train - something I had wanted when he was growing up and never felt I could afford. 

As I said - he is the giver of great gifts.

He and his sweet wife, Kristen lived in Virginia.  They were home for Christmas.  The Huffingham family was gathered at my brother, Lester's home.  All the presents had been exchanged when Tray said there was one more gift. He handed my mother, my sister, his sister, and me small bags.  A child's alphabet block was included in each bag.

 Talk about JOY.    

That was 21 years ago.  That grandchild - plus her 6 cousins continues to bring this grandma much joy.

As I enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, I was thrilled to see the portrayal of Joseph and Mary -- two children who are now teenagers - Matt Scaggs and Annabelle Lunsford -- I couldn't believe they have grown up.  I see them acolyte now and a couple of Sundays ago Annabelle was the first Crucifer (she carried the cross at the beginning of the procession).     It seems just yesterday when they were babies - and as it happens, they are two of my favorites.

And I listened to their words - I thought of the fact that usually when there is going to be a baby there is much JOY.

I thought of Joseph's words - and reactions - and how he accepted that huge responsibility.

I thought of the scriptures about Mary - her serenity - and the fact that the Bible says she pondered those things in her heart - meaning when the shepherds came and praised God for this Birth - Mary was quiet --  I've always said I can never be quiet about something that means a lot to me

I've never been quiet about the gifts Tray gave me.  In fact, I am never quiet about any of my children or grandchildren

You might say they bring me great joy! 

                                                     May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows

Sunday, December 10, 2023


 I was preparing.

That's what Advent is about - right???

Four days ahead of the second Sunday in Advent, I asked my friend, Sue, for the readings.

I opened the Scripture and read from Isaiah 40 which begins with "Comfort! Comfort ye my people".    


What does that have to do with JOY?

So I wrote a blog - without the use of that Scripture.

And then in the early hours of the Second Sunday of Advent, I prepared to finalize that blog - and post it.

. . . but first I changed my home page on Facebook and found

The Second Candle of Advent is Peace.

The blog I had written is about JOY

I can tell you that for about 20 minutes, I had no peace.  I was in a major flit as I went through my morning routine - NY Times Wordle; NY Times Mini Crossword; NY Times Connection and then the daily devotional that comes into my Email account each day.

And there it was: "Casting all your care upon Him for he careth for you". (I Peter 5:7)  And wouldn't you know it -  the accompanying music:

That has long been my favorite hymn. 

Then I went to church and participated in the prayer of confession: the words - make us ready to extend peace... jumped off the page.

There have been many times in my more than 7 decades that I did not have peace.  I have been disappointed in someone or a situation.  And yet the God of Grace has either provided the opportunity for me to find a way to reconcile or given me the peace to be able to move on.

I especially remember that confusing first Christmas when my children and I were in the early days of being a single family.  I was 35 years old - and working full time for the first time since before my first child was born.  I had been a pastor's wife for more than 15 years.  I was thankfully always going to be a mom.  I believed that with the help of my family, we would be okay.  What I didn't know was how I might find my way in a church?

I had felt that God "called" me to be a minister's wife.  I was angry that that role had been stolen from me.  I was disappointed - so disappointed.  I was angry.  That was 41 Christmases ago.  

And somehow through lots of counsel, prayer, and finding ways to give thanks I was able to reconcile with the thief -- and more than that find peace.

My life is calm right now - family is good; friendships are outstanding; finances comfortable.  However to be honest, sometimes that ugly head of disappointment and anger creeps up again.  When that happens, I make an effort to replace the negative with positive - recognizing that indeed God has a plan much better for me. 

And that's my take on peace = this Second Sunday of Advent 2023.

                                                    May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows



Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Wishin and Hopin"

  "... faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. "
(Hebrews 11:1)

I think I'm a positive person -- but full discovery here. I am a worrying person.

It's not that I don't think it's going to work out.  It's just that I am impatient when waiting.

I think that's where hope and faith come in.

Today we lit the candle of hope - and yet - faith has to be there as well.

Hope - we hoped the Annual Winter Celebration that is sponsored by the Mandarin Museum & Historical Society would be a success

Hoping is different from knowing and both require faith.

Almost 60 years ago a teenage "idol" whose name is Dusty Springfield belted out these words:

"wishin' and hopin' and dreamin' and prayin' 

that all my dreams come true."

Sometimes we have to put some feet to our wishes, hopes, dreams and yes - even prayers.

And by saying that do I mean I don't believe in Faith?

My friends, Mamie, Macie Jane, and Nora are hopeful that they will be in their remodeled home by Christmas.  Andy, the daddy in that family, is doubtful.

I rather sarcastically asked him "where's your faith?",  knowing that lots of work was going to be needed for the women in his life to have their hopes become reality.

When we light the candle of hope - we already know that the hope of the world

"is born this day in the city of David" just as the prophet Isaiah had said.

Andy will have to put in lots of hours of work (with the help of others, for sure) for their family to spend Christmas Eve in that home.

That's the difference in hope and faith and it calls for Grace...Something I hope Andy's family will give him if their dreams and wishes don't come true.

PS Winter Celebration was a great success!  Connie, Wanda, and Santa (whose real name I cannot divulge) were a part of that!!! As were our 50 plus volunteers!!!

 May you have enough sunshine in your life

To make you appreciate the shadows