Saturday, May 20, 2023

Not what I wanted to read. . .

I heard the sound indicating a text.

It was from my friend Tamra.

Oh good I thought - she's texting to plan a time for breakfast.  It had been way too long since our last visit.

I have read that a person usually has five close friends in their life.  I have several groups of friends...people I have met through church or work or through some shared interest.  Some time ago I determined that I have one special group.  I call them "my group of five" and  I am proud and blessed to say that Tamra is one of my five!

"Pray for Brian,  He's been admitted. . .", and then a few words about what was going on with her sweet husband.

"Oh my, 🙏🙏🙏".

We stayed in touch every day that week.  I wore a prayer bracelet that Tamra gave me when I was going through a sad time in my life.  On Wednesday he was a little better - baby steps she said.  And then on Thursday morning  - "so many things are wrong.  He's now critical". And around 8:30 that night "Brian passed a little past eight".

I have met Brian only a few times but I feel that I know him well.

That's because I know his wife very well.   

Tamra and I became friends when we were both in an Administrative Professionals Group. She's that person who I always know it's okay to be silly with.  And silly we were.  We had way too much time in that group -  just being goofy.

We've been friends through the births of grandbabies, the death of parents, and changing jobs (hers, mine, and even Brian's).  When her son, David married Olivia I had the honor of sitting next to her at their reception.  When David and Olivia's children were born, I shared her joy.

This week I sat in the congregation listening as their pastor, two of Brian's closest friends and David told fun and dear stories about him.

I'm sad.  Sad for Tamra, David and Olivia, and their precious children.   And I feel a great sense of personal loss.

But I'm glad.

I'm glad that if for no other reason, I had the privilege of knowing Brian.  There were tears on my cheeks as the photos flashed across the screen. I wasn't there when those pictures were taken, but I have heard the stories of the way Brian loved - Tamra and their family. I felt a deep sense of gratitude. 

As I reflected on David's words: sorrow, love, anger - and back again, I thought of how the Brian I knew (through Tamra and the words of those who spoke), practiced exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). He loved.  He was a man of peace.  He was kind and good and gentle.

And he would want his life (as the obituary read) "to inspire those he has left to live life in a way that is defined by laughter, love, loyalty, and kindness.

So the text didn't say what I hoped it would.

But there will be other times for Tamra and I to get together. And I will love to hear more about Brian's life and legacy                                               

                                                May your life have enough sunshine,        

                                                To make you appreciate the shadows

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