Sunday, May 14, 2023

Is that in the Bible???

When our mother's life on earth ended around 9 PM on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, we had not the first doubt in our minds.

She had gone from "here to there" as Granddaddy Nesmith called the death of a saint.  Renee had spoken words like you have fought the fight; you have kept the faith and - "Grandma it's time to go". And she is now "dwelling in the house of the Lord".  And we knew exactly what to have inscribed on her marker "Absent from the body; Present with the Lord" (and, of course, daddy).

As Cindy, Lester and I reflect on our mother's life - on this our first Mother's Day without her we are all remembering what she taught us. 

Iva Louise Nesmith Huffingham was an incredible woman with a deep faith and an abiding love for our daddy and the family they made together.  She created an atmosphere of love and acceptance. We knew what was important - God, daddy, us and extended family, and then the myriad of friends - hers and ours - that continued to gain a piece of her heart - right up until the end.

Cindy said she taught us to love - even when it is sometimes not easy.  Jonathan is not here to tell us what might have been important to him but I think it's pretty close to what Cindy said. . . 

We think Jonathan would say -  unconditional love!

Lester said she taught him the value of faith and that "all things work together for good. . .", (Romans 8:28).

If we heard that verse one time. . . 

More than once I asked, 

"Where is that in the Bible?"  

Writing this has been a challenge.  I believe it's because it's our first Mother's Day without her. 

Most people know I am very vain about my hair.  Growing up. I would get bent out of shape when it wouldn't do what I wanted it to do.

My mother taught me to put the hairbrush down - to walk away - to find something else to do -- maybe even wipe the sink of the strands of hair that could so easily clog the drain.

Hum - "Is that in the Bible?"

Well "not being vain" certainly is there as is patience - and "a woman's hair is her crowing glory".

Okay to be sure that I was giving due diligence to my last statement, I did the research and found Ecclesiastes 1:2, Psalm 37:7, and several verses that imply what I said about a woman's hair. (for instance,  I Corinthians 11:15 and Proverbs 16:31).

But back to what this might have taught me - about writing this blog.

It has taken me three days.  I have written it over and again.  I have obviously put it down - found another project and come back to it. My mother taught me to wait for the right time!!!

So, the four of us have learned to wait, love, accept, and to know that "all things work together for good". At least that's what she taught us!

                                                May your life have enough sunshine,             

                                                To make you appreciate the shadows 

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