Sunday, February 20, 2022

His Plan is Better

 I read the email with joy. 

My friend, Beth, was going to be ordained to the Diaconate.

She had asked that I be one of the chalice bearers at her ordination.

I was honored to be a part of this very special night in my friend's life.

If being a part of the service was not enough, the seat I had during the service was the icing on the cake.  

I watched as Beth's parents listened with pride to each part of the service.  I listened as they both took part in the liturgy by reading first the Old Testament and then the New Testament portions of Scripture. I could see the love that Beth's daughters and her husband had for her.  It was wonderful.

 I wanted to be a deacon once.  Actually, before that, I wanted to be a priest. And before that, I wanted to be a minister's wife.

 And I am none of the above.

Well, I was a  minister's wife but that's been forty years ago. Truth be told I've spent way too much time bemoaning the fact that what I thought to be God's call on my life only lasted 15 years.  It took the death of the minister to make me come to grips with the fact that my life has turned out so much better and I have had so many wonderful opportunities to serve the Lord.  While I was waiting for one more apology for what he had done to "ruin" my life, I should have been writing him a thank you note for what he did to make it better.

However, that's my story and this is about Beth (who has her own story - but it's not my place to share it).

In the 15 years that I have known Beth, I have seen the way she's listened . . .  and heard God's voice (through her own personal study of Scripture and from people and circumstances in her life).  Last Thursday night was just the beginning.

And the one truth that Beth and I share is that we agree

(Artwork by Allie Blain)

Romans 8:28 - which is to say - His Plan is BEST!

                                          May your life have enough sunshine 

                                          to make you appreciate the shadows

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