Sunday, December 12, 2021

No greater joy

It is the third Sunday of Advent.  We light the candle of Joy.

Several years ago the Wonder Women's Bible Study that I facilitate did a Max Lucado story on finding JOY.  Each week much to their chagrin I insisted that we sing a little chorus “Rejoice in the Lord always” in rounds.

Earlier today I wrote, "I think the Joy candle is my favorite".

I've spent several hours trying to figure where that came from.

There have been some Christmas seasons when I had much joy.  In 1971 I had a newborn baby girl.  Barbara Streisand's song The Best Gift was perfect.  She really was (and continues to be) my best gift (well at least the first of three).

Then there was the year that I had very little joy.  1982 was the year that we became a single-parent family.  I made an effort to keep life as close to normal as possible so Sunday School was a priority.  Renee and Tray both boldly asked God for bicycles as they sat in a Sunday School class.  The arrival of two used bikes at our family home on Christmas Eve was met with tears of joy from a mother who was trying to figure all of this out.  And of course, Renee and Tray were overjoyed when they found a clue that led them to the bicycles that were awaiting them the next morning. 

Later the three of them learned the song “Rejoice in the Lord”.  With Becca accompanying them Renee and Tray sang “rejoice in the Lord, He makes no mistake he knoweth the way of each path that I take and when I am tried and purified I shall come forth as gold.”

This past summer their father passed away.  Did we rejoice?  No, of course not.  But we can all agree that God knew our path and while we may not be gold we believe that God has given us reasons for joy.

Those three gifts - remain my greatest source of joy (III John 4).

I'm sure I'm not alone in this statement - sometimes it's difficult to find joy.  

I have wonderful memories of a sweet couple, Jimmy and Geraldine Winburn, who worked with us in a small church in Chattanooga in the mid-'70s.  One of my fondest memories is of a sermon Jimmy preached from the book of James.  He reminded us that we are to count it all joy when difficulty comes our way.

He said that's what makes us Christ-like.

Jimmy passed away a few years ago after struggling with Alzheimer's.  I believe his sweet wife would say that she counts it all joy for the life that they shared.  


I don't always practice that.

I do know life is better when I make an effort to share.  Sometimes it does take effort.  It's not always easy to go to visit my mother who is sometimes clear and others quite confused.  But she always smiles!  I give her joy.  My garage is going to house a vehicle while my aunt and uncle take a trip.  My aunt thanked me for the gift.  I give her joy.   

JOY is the key to a  happy life!  "Joy to the world - joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea - Joy to you and me!"

1 comment:

  1. You are a Joy to so many . Know that and accept all the love poured out your way . Love Bonnie June
