Friday, December 24, 2021

"In the bleak mid-winter"

 It was our last Christmas as a traditional family.

 We lived in Louisville, Kentucky.  

Life was beginning to be difficult.  I look back on that time and think "it was a bleak mid-winter".

However, we did something we had never done before - and I have continued to appreciate it for the 39 years since then.

We went to church.  Now, you are probably thinking of course you went to church.  You were married to a Baptist minister.  Well.  We didn't just go to church.  

We went to Midnight Mass at the Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal).

I loved the procession.

I was not well educated with some of the traditions of the Episcopal Church, but I did enjoy participating in the service.

The next day my children enjoyed snow and the presents they were given.  It seems like maybe they didn't get very many presents.  I don't think they were aware of that and I'm not even sure if any of them remember the snow or the church service.

They do know that going to church on Christmas Eve stayed important to me.

And they know that I will so appreciate the opportunity I have tonight, not only to go to church but to be a part of the procession as I am one of the persons who will serve communion alongside our priests.  Who would have thought - 40 years ago tonight - that I would be doing that?

I've been thinking about my life - these past 40 years - reflecting on how I got from there to here.  And truly being grateful for the blessing of God on my life (and the lives of my children)  through so many people.

Christina Rosetti's poem (the source of the title of this blog) is most likely not historically accurate.  Scholars tell us that Jesus was not necessarily born when snow covered the ground.  However, the poem ends with words that resonate with me - "what can I give Him - give Him my heart".

Or being interpreted.

Tonight as I process, singing "O Come All Ye Faithful", I will be expressing the prayer of my heart - one of gratitude for all the blessings on our lives since that bleak mid-winter 40 years ago.

                                            May your life have enough sunshine
                                            to make your appreciate the shadows

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