Saturday, November 16, 2019

My personal cornucopia

I loved the holidays when I was growing up

We didn't need a horse-drawn sleigh to get to our grandmother's house.

We didn't cross a river or go through any woods.

And yet - it was a special time.

One of my fondest memories is of the cornucopia that was always a part of Grandma Nesmith's Fall decorations.  I'm not sure what happened to that piece of pottery but the picture of it has remained in my mind.

So much that I always have a cornucopia somewhere in my home each November.

A cornucopia is also called a horn of plenty and it is used as a symbol of abundance.

In my mind, I like it to represent my life.

From the family I was born into, to the family that Ray Parker and I were privileged to parent and the families that those three children have created -- I am truly blessed.

Rebecca Lynn - 11/26/71
Paula Renee - 11/17/74
I am writing this on November 16.  On this day in 1974 our first child, Rebecca (who would turn three on November 26 of that year) and I enjoyed her last day as an only child.  We read, had her three-year-old picture taken at Olan Mills and made Rice Krispie treats.

Later that night I was headed to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee where her little sister, Renee was born.

To say that both of these girls have been a blessing in my life seems way too simple.  The song "I've been waiting for you" from Mama Mia 2 describes the way I felt when Becca was born.  I had no idea how much I wanted a little girl until I held her in my arms that first day.

And if I thought having one little girl was a blessing - having two has been huge!

Through the years, both of my daughters have continued to bring me such joy.  They have become strong women who love God, their husbands and their children.

They are independent and they allow me to be independent as well.  But you let something happen in my life, they are all over it.

Within hours on what can easily be the most difficult day of my life, November 17, 1998, the day I learned that Rich Suhey had "not survived"cardiac arrest, my daughters and their brother were at my side. For 21 years they have continued "to let me be" when they didn't see a need and to be right where they should when there's an issue that requires their assistance and encouragement.

Do I really like all of the fruits and vegetables that go into a horn of plenty?  And neither do I like the sad things that I have happened in my life.  However, I know that all of the ups and downs, good tasting fruit and nasty vegetables combine into my own personal horn of plenty.

I really am blessed abundantly!  And I thank God for my family and friends who have made that a reality.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Love you and praying for you on the eve of a happy and sad day.
