Tuesday, December 4, 2018

It works for me

At a high school girlfriends luncheon this week the talk seemed to be about diets, exercise routines and what face cream is best for the wrinkles that are increasingly etched on each of our faces.

We were all searching for what works...and finally, someone said: "well it works for me."

More than 24 hours later, I cannot remember exactly what works; nor can I remember who it works for.

That conversation, however, made me start asking myself that some question - What works for me? And, no one is surprised to hear that I'm not thinking diets or exercise but rather what means do I employ that help me enjoy and appreciate the daily grind.

So - here's what works for me.

It's my faith  - the belief that nothing is going to come my way unless it's sent to me for a reason and that sometimes what comes will be positive and yes, just like the wrinkles on my face, some are not going to make me smile.

And it's a hope that even when life seems a bit bleak, there's a rainbow behind those torrential rain showers and though the shadows are a bit foreboding, there's still sunshine somewhere.

More specifically.

Our mother taught us that when we are going through something difficult the best solution is to say the name Jesus again and again.  I've done that when facing a painful physical procedure and when I am confronted with an issue that seems too big for me to handle.

I shared this concept with my prayer group last week.  I told them that's what I'd suggested to my mother when she is in pain.

And then I had a stressful morning and so many things to be going awry in my little world.  My friend, Anne put her hands on my shoulders and very gently said: "Just say, Jesus".

It works for me!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciated the Shadows


  1. This is a very good word Paula ! Just say the Name JESUS ! There is power in that name and that name also brings peace with it. Is.26:3
