Thursday, March 1, 2018

The wrong person

My mother and I were walking across the Stein Mart parking lot.  As is most always the case, I was more than a few steps ahead of her.

A young man, sitting in a wheelchair called out to me

"Could you buy me a sandwich?"

I shook my head  - no.

He was persistent.

"But I'm hungry", he said.

Sorry, I'm taking care of someone else, was my response.  I pointed to my mother, slowly making her way, her hands on her walker.

"But the Bible says you should take care of the poor and hungry", the man was persistant.

When I told him that I know what the Bible says he shot me a question.

"Then what does Philippians 4:13 say?"

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me".

The man shouted Hallelujah and wheeled himself on down the walkway.

When I related that store to my son, he said  "that guy chose the wrong person.  Did you tell him you had all afternoon if he wanted to suggest some other references?"

I'm sharing that story not because I think I'm some Bible scholar.  It's just that the Bible has been a part of my life - for well - all my life.

That night the key verse in our Bible study discussion was Joshua 1/8 -- It talks about the importance of knowing and meditating on God's word. 

When we know it, we can use it.  In times of sorrow, temptation, anger.  fear

47 years ago I had a cyst removed from my neck.  I was scared.  This was before babies and I had never had a broken bone or had a stitch.  As they wheeled me to the operating room, my mind talked with me with each turn of the wheel of the gurney.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."

Obviously, I survived that surgery plus many more opportunities to rely on Scripture verses that I have known since I was a child.

Yes, the guy asked the wrong person but fortunately, I had the right answer.

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