Thursday, March 29, 2018


 I had just completed a diatribe of how my day had gone.

"I know I'm 'called' to care for my mother," I told the women in my prayer group.  "But I just get tired".

My friend, Holly, smiled at me with these words:  "What can we do to help?"


Why in the world is that a common response - when offered help?

I thought of that as I meditated on the fact that today is Maundy Thursday,  The name comes from "mandate of the 'new commandment'" that was given by Jesus.  It was the last time that Jesus would share a meal with His disciples.  At that Last Supper, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and commanded them to love and serve one another as he had done when he washed their feet.  He even washed the feet of the one He knew was going to betray Him.

In my years as an Episcopalian, I have learned to love and appreciate liturgical worship.  I love the traditions that we follow from year to year. I always look forward to the Maundy Thursday service.

Except...I am great with washing someone else's feet, but not so great about someone doing the same for me.
The Lord Jesus, after he had supped with his disciples and
had washed their feet, said to them,
 "Do you know what I,
your Lord and Master, have done to you? 
I have given you an example,
 that you should do as I have done (from the Book of Common Prayer)

Hum.  I need a lesson in humility.

Tonight, someone else is going to wash my feet - they are doing it "as unto the Lord".

I'm also making a list of ways my friends can help me as I am in a stage in my life when I really need help.  I cannot do everything ...I must let my friends "do things as unto the Lord".

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows

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