Saturday, May 13, 2017

What I love about Mother's Day

Mother's Day is about MOTHERS

Greeting cards, radio and television advertisements, even the window clerk at McDonald's this morning

Everyone knows that it' Mother's Day weekend.

Mother's Day is about honoring out mothers.

I have always liked Mother's Day.  So did my daddy.   I think I was about six when he drew a picture of a child handing a flower to a woman in a rocking chair on a piece of white paper, and it was my job to color it.  That was my mother's first Mother's Day card "from me."  Daddy often took my sister, Cindy, and me shopping to purchase a gift. He was good like that.  A trait I  hope my brothers inherited  

A few years ago I stood in a ladies restroom line.  The fact that it was long was punctuated by a mirrored wall which made it seem all the longer.  As I stood there, I noticed someone I recognized. How did my mother get there?

You guessed it. My own reflection was in that mirror.

I look more like my mother every day.

I was putting some leftover fish in the refrigerator when I remembered that I have some instant grits in my pantry.

I could have fish and grits for breakfast.

Great Scott.

Now I am acting like my mother.

Mothers Day is about being a mother.

I found out that I was going to have a baby the day after Mother's Day in 1971. There were some strange circumstances going on in my life that year, No need for the details except I"ll never forget the doctor's words "Your cervix is blue - you are pregnant" (Oops, I said no need for details,  didn't I?) My question to him was really silly -

"Is it fun to have a baby?"

"It's exciting," was his response.

And 46 years later I can tell you that he was correct.

That is if you use the word having a baby to mean being a parent. I have 3 children - delivering them would not be what I call FUN - worth it, but not fun.

With each child, I became more convinced of God's blessing on my life, something that continues to this day.

Because by now I have had to privilege of watching my adult children - parent.

Becca is a teacher (by instinct, calling, training) and not only does she love teaching elementary school children, she loves teaching the three children that God blessed her with.  Most people know that those children, biological siblings, came to us through adoption and we cannot imagine life without them.

Renee is a nurturer.  And it is fun to see her love her girls into Godly women as well as work with pre-school children (and their parents) to teach them about God's love.  It took me more than 6 months to realize the joy of being a grandmother but when I did  - well I can tell you that from that day til this, the only name I like better than Mom is Grandma.

Tray is a charmer  He's my child that no matter how vexed I might be, can always make me smile. I recently teased his youngest daughter that I'm the reason her parents married - I wanted grandchildren with blond curls like she has.  While that is not true, she does make me think of the little girl on the Sunshine Bread wrapper of many years ago.

I've been heard to say "I wish everyone could have my mother  - but no one better try to steal her." 

Although I like the independent person I  believe I am, I am still happy to be told,  "you are just like your mother".  

So here's a promise to my children, I'm going to take care of my skin, keep my mind sharp through reading and writing and continue to cultivate friendships.  Just in case, I really am just like my mother - now in her 95th year of life!  

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows

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