Saturday, December 31, 2016

How do you like your eggs?

Johnny Montgomery was my best friend in high school.  I promise, promise, promise that he was NEVER my boyfriend.

However, one of the things that we could do for hours - was talk - on the phone or in our family kitchen -- sometimes until late at night.

One night stays in my memory.  Everyone in my family was asleep - upstairs.  We just kept talking - maybe about the Bible or what our plans were for our Youth for Christ Club or probably about my love life,

Suddenly, or so it seemed to me, my daddy was walking over to the kitchen cabinet and leaning down to pull out a frying pan -

"How do you like your eggs, Johnny?"

We still laugh about that moment.  I can assure you that Johnny left straight away. And many years later when my daddy lay dying, Johnny visited him, prayed for him, and they both remembered how special my friendship with him had been.

So, how do you like your eggs?

I love an omelet. I thought of that this week when I read "You cannot have an omelet unless you break the eggs." I'm not sure who to credit for those words.  I do know that I "get it".

It is the last day of 2016.  As i reflect on these 365 days that are now in my rear view mirror, I know there have been times when my eggs have been broken.

Our church was beginning a "shepherding program".  Would I participate?  Of course.  I love to hep others.  And then I realized that I have shepherding responsibilities in my own family.  I am my mother's shepherd.  HUM.  That decision freed me up to do something else - lead a Bible study for women.  We named the Bible study "Wonder Women" with a tag line - "Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say to you?"  Those women have added so much to my life! They are like the combination of all the ingredients that would go into an omelet: a little ham, green pepper, onion, and lots of cheese.

The eggs got broken for me when I got a call that my services would no longer be needed at the home builder where I was working as a sales assistant.  I was most disappointed, for that position had been not only been fun, but it was what I thought to be my ticket to financial freedom.  Yeah right.  What in the world is "financial freedom"?

That news led me to the bank that holds my mortgage.  Friends had encouraged me to investigate refinancing at that same bank.  I thought there was no way. However, after many weeks and lots of work, this week my new loan was closed,

And in the meantime, the home builder called me.  Would I come back? Were they kidding?  I absolutely love the time I spend assisting the realtors, watching houses being built and then being there when families are given the keys to their new homes.

Neither of my examples is earth shattering.  I know that.  I've not lost anyone dear to me.  My financial status is acceptable for my lifestyle, my health is good.  I don't know what 2017 holds.  I do know that it is my prayer that whenever any of the eggs in my life get broken, I'll endeavor to know that those eggs can make an omelet.

"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.  You will increase my honor and comfort me once more".  Isaiah 71:20-21

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows

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