Friday, September 23, 2016

Give the world a smile

Southern Gospel is one of my favorite musical genres.  I recently heard an old quartette rendition of a song called "Give the world a smile" and it made me think about the value of - a smile.

One of my regular "pamperers" was doing what she does best.  As she worked on my nails, she was singing.  She seemed happy.  I know enough about her life to know that there are many reasons that she should not be happy.  

I didn't say anything, but after a few minutes she looked up and said "It makes me feel better when I sing" and I thought  - she found her smile.

Having been where she is...I can tell you ...sometimes it's hard to find one!

However, as the saying goes - Smile and the world smiles with you - Frown, and you frown alone.

I've been thinking about smiles this week and wondering. . .

What makes you smile?

I doubt it's frogs or squirrels.

I know  - neither are particularly attractive but they have been known to make me smile. 

Dr. Keith Holland is a Jacksonville dentist who led an expedition into the depths of the St. Johns in the late 80's in search of what remained of the Maple Leaf, the Yankee cargo ship that had been torpedoed by the Confederate army near the end of the Civil War.  A celebration of the 150th anniversary of that event brought the divers to the Mandarin Museum and they have been so well-received that thy come back once a month with tales of their adventure to share with visitors.

It was on one of those visits to the museum that I met two baby squirrels that Keith was nursing.  I watched as Keith cared for them. To be honest, I had thought him to be rather gruff, but it was fun to see his part of his personality.

I was mesmerized by the care he offered those squirrels.  
And he became my friend.

Now this year - it's frogs.  The same ones that are showing up in many Mandarin yards and parks and along the roadsides in this part of Duval County  And I am happy to say that the creator of those frogs is my friend.

And as it happens, he wants to remain anonymous. He is a Mandarin resident and a member of a family that's been here since 1785.
"I just want people to smile," he said when asked why he got so involved in this project.

"And, it gives me a smile," he continued.
For several months now, the frogs have been available "FOR SALE" at the Mandarin Museum and Historical Society on Saturdays.

I was there on a weekday as a part of my responsibilities as the Volunteer Coordinator.  A woman came to the door and wanted a frog.

I politely said, "you need to come when the Museum is open." Her face made me think of a child who hears no more ice cream or candy.  Of course, I welcomed her into the Museum and took her money.  

Money - now there's something that is making the Museum's Board of Directors happy.  The frogman doesn't want one penny of the money.  

It all goes to the museum.  What a great fundraiser!

Florida Times Union columnist, Mark Woods, was at the Museum this week and wrote a story about this phenomenon that has invaded Mandarin. Channel Four sent a reporter to do a story.  People are curious .

Do frogs have anything to do with the purpose of the Museum?  Well, no.

But curious people come for a frog and have the opportunity to learn so much about Mandarin's history - from Harriett Beecher Stowe to that ship that lies on the bottom of the river near the museum - - to the only remaining one-room schoolhouse in Duval County - not to mention enjoy a great park.

And I happen to know that most Saturdays from 9 AM - 4 PM one will most likely find the Frogman - smiling.

I don't really like squirrels or frogs.

I do like smiles and the people that make that happen.  You know what they say "you're never fully dressed without one."

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