Sunday, February 14, 2016

I'm giving up...

I confess that there have been times that I have thought "I should give up Valentine's Day for Lent".

But this morning I read a great post on Facebook: 

A special Happy Valentine's Blessing for all my "uncoupled" friends who are blessed by many friendships ... And by the God of love!

Now I should be honest - this year I do have a date for Valentine's.  But there have been many years that "no date" was the case.

By now, I've had several very special valentines - from my daddy to my high school sweetheart, my college sweetheart who became my husband and the father of my dearest valentines - Becca, Renee and Tray who gave me Amazing, Awesome, Glowing, Terrific, Effervescent, Caring and Radiant- each one my favorite grandchild who loves me back!

I have also learned that Valentine's is not just about having a significant other,  In fact one does not have to be in a couple to appreciate Valentine's Day.

Valentine's is about loving and giving. 

I don't know where I first saw this but I have read that "Jesus is our Valentine" and I've seen those acrostics on Facebook that use the letters from the word Valentine to work their way through John 3:16. 

My favorite definition of love is that it is "willing the best for the beloved".

Beloved - that's a word that came from Heaven when God was speaking of Jesus, His only Son - the one He gave to us - the world He loves.

There are those words again - gave and love.  

So I'm not giving up Valentine's Day for Lent...In fact I'm not giving up anything.

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