Thursday, January 7, 2016

Without Wax

"Do you take calcium, Vitamin B, a Multi-vitamin?"

It was my annual physical in the office of a new doctor because of insurance changes.

I probably lowered my head as I answered.

"I have them in my medicine cabinet".

Her response to me was - well I think it was the nicest compliment I have ever received - right up there with you are just like your mother, you have a nice smile, you are a good writer...

"You are so sincere".

It seems that years ago I read that the word sincere actually means "without wax".

When I was growing up, I always wanted to go to Potter's Wax Museum in St. Augustine.  That never seemed to be something that my parents believed was worth the money.  However when I was in the 9th grade some cousins came to visit from South Carolina and they thought it was a good thing to do - and that my sister and I should join them.

I remember that I loved the clothes, the way the statutes were placed, the settings -- but I remember that I thought that's pretty close to how someone looks - but still lacking.  Or course they lacked something - life.  I mean after all - they were WAX.

As I remembered the doctor's compliment, I checked out the meaning of the word sincere.  I can find nothing that gives me the definition I remembered.  I did find:  free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.

Well - one thing I strive to be is honest, although I am oft accused of embellishing because I have such a vivid imagination.

Sounds like a paradox to me.   But then most of us are a combination of the good, the bad and the ugly.  So I think my goal for 2016 is going to be ...

Keep telling the truth ...AS I SEE IT!

I am also going to take those vitamins that are in the medicine cabinet.

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