Saturday, January 30, 2016

A penny for your thoughts

This print showed up on my Facebook page on Thursday, January 28, 2016

"This is what you were doing three years ago:" 
Hum, I'm still doing exactly what that print depicts. 
And I 'm probably thinking about the exact same thing  that I was thinking of three years ago - my children, their children, my mother and whatever "project" looms ahead - if nothing more than in
my head.
Truth be told, thinking is what I do - most of the time.
In fact if I had a penny for all of my thoughts...well if I tried to put a monetary value on my thoughts I would be accused of bragging of my riches.
Many years ago I came up with a "title" for what was then called "a column".  It was called "I've been thinking because if there is anything I do a lot of - it's thinking.  AND if you know me even a little bit you probably know that with the thinking usually comes some doing and it's "you" that I'm hoping will be the doer - or at least a participant in the scheme I have somewhere up my sleeve.   
When I was thinking about being a thinker I thought of this work of art. I think it's because I often find myself in that same pose (you'll notice just the head and a hand).
And what do I do with my thoughts - do I journal?
You would think that any one who thinks as much as I do would have scores of them.

Oh I do -- just not mine.  

I have my mother's journals.  Years ago she told me that some day I will want to read them so I must keep them.  And so it is that they are packed away - in safe keeping and I am sure that I will glean much knowledge, enjoy laughing and yes, will no doubt shed a tear or two when I decide to start reading them.

She recently told me that she no longer writes in a journal...said she doesn't have anything to say.

My Caring grandson (grandchild #6) would beg to differ with her.  When we were about to open Christmas presents a few weeks ago, he produced a red spiral notebook that he had carefully wrapped in colorful paper. 

"It's a journal, great grandma", he proudly proclaimed.

Less than a week later, as my mother was recuperating from pneumonia that same grandchild had a question.

"Have you been writing in your journal?", he asked her.

I was visiting her in rehab last week and I found a small notebook that included some of her thoughts...

"If you could bring me that red notebook, I would write in it," my mother told me.

Hum - my mother will be 93 years old in five weeks and she is ready to return to writing in her journal
So I am taking her lead...This week I got serious - I'm writing in my journal...and who knows some day one of my children or grands will read what I wrote - and decide the thoughts are good enough to "sell" and they might make a penny for my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I kept a journal a long time ago - writing in it helped soothe my broken heart. This post makes me want to pick up a journal and write again! No broken heart this time, just a head full of thoughts!
