Thursday, December 17, 2015

The sunshine in the shadows

December 17 and 18 are very important days in the life of our family.

On December 17, 2009, my niece Leslie gave birth to her second child.  Her name - Blakelie Foster Beck. 

Leslie gave some serious thought to when Blakelie would be born.  Her granddaddy, Earl Huffingham, was born on December 18.  He had died in September of that year.

But Blakelie needed her own birthday.

For the next four years, four months and four days Blakelie was the essence of sunshine in our lives.  She was one of those people who lit up the room when she walked into it.

On April 21, 2014 I received this text --- "She is with Jesus".  I responded to my sister - what? And I got back - "she died".

My last blog was called Joy in the Journey and I shared the news of the sudden death of my childhood friend, Bobby Drashin.  I ended the blog with the fact that although I think it is necessary to find joy in all circumstances, I also think it is difficult.  As I have processed Bobby's passing, joined his family and friends to say goodbye and remembered that incredible smile, I realized that like Blakelie, Bobby could light up a room.

Later today I am joining in a celebration of  Blakelie's life.  We will eat cupcakes, light lanterns, release balloons.  I was actually grieving for my friend, when I realized I should participate in this activity.  I believe it will be healing for me.

And in a way I am celebrating Bobby's life and the life of our daddy - who would have turned 94 on December 18.  He could also light up a room.

I think the memory of the three of these people are something that gives me . ..sunshine in the shadows!