Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lumps of coal

If indeed Santa Claus has made a list to see who's naughty and nice, I'm afraid I'm due a Christmas Stocking filled with coal.

Now if you think I'm about to admit to some juicy bit of gossip then you may as well just wait for Downton Abbey.  I can assure you my adventures warrant no interest in juiciness.

HOWEVER, I have been feeling very jealous - and if I sat upon Santa's knee I think he would suspect my bad attitude.

You see it seems that all my friends live in prettier houses, have nicer clothes, their Christmas trees hover over many presents for the children and grandchildren...their lives seem so much more exciting.

I was really feeling all of the above when I went to church this week.  I don't think you would say I was having a pity party because most of the time I am pretty good with who I am and how my life has "turned out".  But sometimes...my life just seems . . .well. .  small.

And not just because I am so short.

And then I listened to the Scripture readings for the day:

Micah 5:2 says that Bethlehem is one of the "little clans" of Judah and yet it was in Bethlehem that the son of God would be born. 

And although we don't know of Mary's stature we do know that she was more than likely "small in spirit" because we know she was very humble.

Luke 1 tells us that Mary's reaction to the news that she was going to be the mother of our Savior was that she magnified the Lord.  That means (according to the Rev. Joe Gibbes' homily) that she was showing just how big God is.  Ftr. Joe drew an analogy of the way a magnifying glass enlarges what we can see.

Talk about hitting me right where I live.  Hum.  None of "what I don't have" matters.  And it didn't take a visit to Santa to know that.  It's my heart that counts.  It's being willing to share my small house; a cup of tea with a friend, and most of all my faith.

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. . ." Luke 1:47b; 48a

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