Saturday, October 10, 2015

Faith, Family, Friends

I am often asked - what do you like to write about?

My answer is usually - faith, family and friends - not necessarily in that order.

Those three things - my faith, my family and my friends are what I would consider paramount in my life.

Every Sunday I repeat the words to the Nicene Creed - affirming my belief in Jesus as the Son of God who was crucified, died and rose again.  That's the basic tenet of my faith.  I have friends and even family who do not agree with what I believe.

That's their prerogative.

It has been well reported that the Episcopal Church has now adopted the practice of performing/blessing same sex marriages.  I am one who does not agree with that.  I believe marriage is a sacrament and should be between a man and a woman.

That's my prerogative.

I'm a Notary Public.  I can perform marriage ceremonies.  It's one of my favorite things to do.

Several months ago I was asked to perform the marriage of two women.  I said no.

This afternoon I am going to that wedding.

It's because of that "friends" part of who I am.

The mother of one of the brides is one of my dearest friends.  There is no way that I would miss sharing the joy she feels today.

Besides - this in no way changes the fact that I believe Jesus is the Son of God. . .et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!