Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cover letter circa 2015

I loved The Intern starring Robert DeNiro.  He has really softened through the years from being the tough guy to a man with a sensitive heart.

The movie begins with DeNiro's character, Ben, telling us about his life which was good and full but now he finds himself at loose ends.  Travel, grandchildren. yoga...none of this has been fulfilling enough to prevent a desire for something with purpose.

As we watch, we realize that he is making a video of himself.  This is apparently 2015's answer to the cover letter.  Of course he gets the job - as intern - which means he is not going to get paid.

Many of us can relate to this.   You know what they are saying - "60 is the new 40" so must of us who are beyond 65 are feeling like the Peggy Lee song, "Is that all there is?".
This is because we have worked hard all of our lives and rather than enjoy staying at home, we believe we still have something to offer. Yoga, bridge and lunch with friends is not enough.
DeNiro's character in The Intern appears to be comfortable without any extra income.  He can be a traditional intern with no remuneration.  That's only in the movies.  Many of us who are on Social Security need the extra income that a part time position  provides.

Perhaps you have seen the "Life Reimagined" AARP-sponsored spots on television.  One of them features a man who becomes an UBER driver.  That's not me.  Oh, there's one thing the man says that I can identify with - he needs the funds to pay for the fun things he wants to do.

I do need the extra money.  But it's more than that for me.  I like having a purpose, a place to go, the satisfaction of interaction with others.
So this morning I crafted a cover letter that basically said what I have just written.  I am not quite savy enough to film myself.
Besides - words are cheap.  I'm pretty sure the equipment to create selfie version of a cover letter is not.

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