Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's so foggy

The year was 1967.  

I was the "breadwinner" while my preacher boy husband was in college.  I can't remember how this all came to pass, but somehow I got a job teaching Bible in 7 schools in McMinn County, Tennessee. Five days a week I would drive from Dayton to the schools.  The route I took included crossing the Tennessee River.  I would leave very early in the morning and go across the river on a ferry - really just a barge.  I loved the part of the trip that included chatting with the old man I called the ferry man and his wife.

I did not love the fact that almost without exception I was driving in a thick, murky, vision prohibitive FOG.

There never was a problem driving on or off the ferry.  I did however miss a stop sign and end up in a corn field once - because of the fog.

I was reminded of those foggy mornings recently when my cousin, Keith, made a comment about how life and what we do with it is like a fog.

We can see as only far as we can see - we can only do what we can do - we have this day, this hour, this moment.

And sometimes when life seems a bit overwhelming - even murky - and we are not sure what tomorrow is going to bring. . .well to continue with the fog metaphor - Just as I had to drive to McMinn County on a route that included crossing the Tennessee River, I had to drive back to Dayton at day's end. And - the fog was never a problem in the afternoon.  It's funny how that happens.

It's like that old saying - "this too will pass".

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