Saturday, November 22, 2014

But I don't like roller coasters...

According to Yahoo News, the world's tallest roller coaster is set to open in 2017.  It will have a track that wraps around a 535-foot-tall towers and "will send riders twisting up, down, and around for about four minutes with no downtime".

I can hardly wait.

Surely you jest.

I have no idea why.  But I do know that I have always been scared of roller coasters.

I do like those rides that are sort of like roller coasters that go through water.  I remember one many years ago at Six Flags over Georgia.  I think it was called a plume or something like that.

In 1982 I yielded to the pressure of three children and a daddy and I went on Space Mountain at Disney World.

Again - I do not like roller coasters.

So - here's my question - if I don't like roller coasters why does it sometimes feel like my life is one.

Well - at least my life is filled with twists and turns (aka yes and no's).

Without details, I can tell you that this week has been one of yes and no - enough to 'bout drive me crazy.

Except it didn't.

Because somewhere deep in the recesses of my soul are some scripture verses that I have known since I was a little girl.  Words like - "Be still and know that I am God"; "Wait on the Lord", and this one has been close to my heart - "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee".

Those words  PLUS memories of many times that what I thought I wanted and that I was going to get - didn't come to pass and knowing that what happened was so much better - have made what seemed like a roller coaster week - tolerable. 

No more than tolerable - I think maybe even peaceful.

Except I keep dwelling on the twists and turns so maybe I haven't really taken advantage of what I know.



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