Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I think I can, I think I can

You remember him don't you...the little blue engine huffing and puffing as he pulled the train up that hill.

The Little Engine That Could has been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl.  I loved it and I loved reading it to my children.

Who knew that I would think of that book so many years later.

After eight years of sharing my home, it was now going to be "just me" and I started dreaming about what changes I might like to see.

And so I called my friend, Konnie, who is an interior decorator.  The name of her company fit my dreams perfectly - Upscale by Konnie. 

Some people are downsizing.  I wanted to upscale.

And so we began the process of making some changes.

One change requires painting three rooms and two bathrooms.  At first I was going to hire a painter...and then I thought ...I've painted before...I can do this.

I thought that until it was time to paint.

The pre-painting activities went very well.  First trip to the paint department - check; wall accessories down, furniture moved away from the walls or out of the room, spackling done, taping, sanding; drop cloths on the floor - check them all off the list.

It was time to start.

You won't believe all the things I found to do before I actually opened that can of paint and poured it into the tray.

I've painted before. I can do this. And then it hit me.  When I've done this before -- on my own I mean - that sweet man I called daddy was here to help.  He loved to paint.

And - despite his frail body - he always found a way to help me.  I'll never forget when I was painting a bathroom that he climbed up on the toilet seat to reach the top of the wall because it was hard for me to maneuver the ladder.  I remember standing there, holding my breath and his legs...but he was so determined.

So determined.

Two hours into this part of the project, I stood back and looked at a wall.  The pale green was now more of a smokey blue green - looks like the ocean - that's what I wanted...That was three days ago.

I've taken my time, painted one wall at a time and today it's ready for Konnie to come and start doing what she does best -

Because - like my daddy, I was so determined and like that little engine who could - I found out that I can!

1 comment:

  1. Paula-you are an amazing person! I can't wait until you can sit back and reap what you have sown. I'm so glad to have you as my friend. Konnie
