Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fishers of Men Dock

It was our small group's privilege to cook dinner for our friends, John and Diane.  My responsibility was to pick up the bread and dessert from one friend and go to Fisherman's Dock to purchase shrimp for the salad that another friend and I were going to make.

Sounded fun and easy.  I'd never been to the popular San Jose Blvd. store that sells fresh seafood.  Besides I would have my six year old grandson with me.  He would think that was a fun experience.  Right?

Well, if not fun, memorable.

His reaction to the smell of fish - "disgusting".  He even said that it was good I bought shrimp and not fish because he could not ride in the car if we had fish. 

Later he told his parents that he had been to "fishers of men" dock.

We smiled.  He seems to know all about Jesus' suggestion to his disciples that he would make them fishers of men.

I remember that song from my childhood.  I can still see us standing in the Beginners and Primary Departments at Glendale Community Church pretending that we were fishing as we sang it.

I'm really grateful that my parents took me to Sunday School and Church and more than that, they shared the love of God and their faith with me and my siblings.

Many times in my life I have called upon that faith, including the songs and scripture verses I learned as a child to sustain me in a time of confusion, doubt or turmoil.

My life changed drastically in 1982.  I had felt "called" to be a pastor's wife.  That went away when my marriage ended.  No longer being a wife was bad enough.  Not being a pastor's wife was devastating. I read some verses in II Corinthians that said in essence some of the things that were happening to me, were happening so I could know the pain and be able to walk along side someone else who was experiencing hurt or confusion.

Almost without fail, when I have an opportunity to minister to someone in a similar situation I tell about some experience where I've been praying and felt my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling - but the faith that was instilled in me as a child...kept me praying.

It is a blessing to me that my grandchildren are being schooled just as I was, and as there dad and I did with them.  Like our parents did for us, our children take them to Sunday School and teach them about God's love.  I loved it that my grandson thought the name of the store was "fishers of men".

I also love it that I can still rely - on that faith that was instilled in me as a child - to sustain and encourage me.

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