Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Or should I just keep quiet?

My friend, Emily Anne just got a great promotion.  Her husband is the stay at home dad of their two little girls.

"We are going to join the Y; he can work out and the girls can go to the play area with other children," she said.

"That's wonderful", I replied.  "That gives him some time alone and it will be so good for the girls to be able to interact with other children".

And then I thought - oh my -- I'm really getting into their business aren't I?

So I apologized.

And Emily Anne responded.

"Oh, no, I like it when you tell me what you think.  In fact, I think it's a sin to know something and not share it". 

Wow.  I don't think anyone ever told me that.

I was reminded of a verse in the book of James (4:17 to be exact).  If I know something I should say something - right?

Well - in that case, it seemed to work out well.  But not every thought I have about how someone else should be should be shared.  I do not have to confront every situation I am faced with and I really need to be "prayed" up as the old saying goes before I say anything - because one simple statement can easily become a confrontation.  And I really don't want that.

In fact, that's why I sometimes shy away from confronting.  And it's not always because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings.  Many times, it's because I don't want my feelings to be hurt.  If I experience something that is unpleasant with family or friends, my tendency is to keep my mouth shut because I fear rejection.

Obviously, I felt very safe in my relationship with my friend. And I had no motive.  I wasn't looking for acceptance, appreciation or affirmation.

I was merely sharing an opinion, one that was met with acceptance and appreciation and I felt affirmed in our friendship.

So it continues to have me in a quandary - do I share my opinions - or should I just keep quiet?

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