Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'll always remember...

I'll always remember Papa
 (Theodore James Huffingham 4/20/1898 - 2/12/1967) -
especially when I get a headache from eating ice cream.  That's because when I was about four years old,  he taught me that if I get a drink of water when that happens, the pain will go away.  I'll also remember riding with him and his wife (Aunt Grace) to check lights.  He worked for General Outdoor and we had to make sure that the lights that illuminated the billboards throughout Jacksonville were "on".  I remember that he called me Paula Raye and I still have the letter he sent me when I got my engagement ring.  He wanted to know where I was registered.  He died in February before I was married and Aunt Grace made my wedding cake (pound cake with coconut which had been a favorite of his).

And I will always remember - Granddaddy
 (Ellie Wallace Nesmith 5/12/1897-3/23/1994)
especially when I write something.  It was granddaddy who sat me down on a bench in about 1985 and said "sister - when you write something, you need to sign it.  Someday you will have grandchildren who need to read your words and find out what a good writer their grandmother was".  He also told me not to live with someone until I couldn't live without them (he meant get married to someone etc) and he taught us all to love and serve God - he taught us that by example.

And OF COURSE  I will always remember - daddy - 
(Earl Ray Huffingham - 12/18/1921 - 9/16/2009)

especially when I realize I am driving too fast (he always told me I didn't have to make Red Gap by sundown when he thought I was putting too much pedal to the medal); when I watch the Gators play (football, basketball, baseball) or a golf tournament (I hope Phil wins the US Open today - daddy would like that) and when the wind chimes on my back porch are saying good morning (daddy repaired them but that's another story).
I especially think of my dad when I see my children and know how much he had to do with the persons they all are today.
The night before his memorial when his pastor, Rev. Kevin Pound, asked me what I liked best about him, I said "that I am his child".  The way I look at it - much of who daddy and mother were (and are) have made me the woman I think I am today and most of the time - that's pretty good. 
I'm grateful for my dad, for his dad (Papa) and my mother's dad (Granddaddy).  I am also grateful for the father of my children.  Our children inherited some of their best characteristics from Ray Parker.
I often tell them (Becca, Renee and Tray) that one of the best things I gave them - is the family that they were born to.  We are truly blessed.

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