Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You look like me


Granddaughter #2, Allie, was helping me learn to make better use of my cell phone - including taking photos.  We took this photo  and she suddenly said -

"Grand - you look like me!"

This was funny to us because most of the time we think she looks like her daddy, Wally. 

However, Allie is right.  We do look alike - our smiles, the way our eyes crinkle and much as I hate this part - our noses.

I remembered once watching her older sister, Abbie, walk down the hall and thinking "Abbie walks like my Grandma Lonnie" and as I thought about that, I thought I bet Abbie walks like me...of course I have never seen myself walk.

Oh, this thing called DNA.

As I have been thinking about that fun experience with Allie, I thought well - if I look like her then that's a pretty good deal.  I would also hope that I could act like her.  She is a very energetic, caring, little girl who is smart as a whip (as are all of my grandchildren, of course).

And if I look like her then she must look like me.  But do I want her to act like me?

That makes me want to act all the better, don't you think?

This past Sunday, in addition to celebrating Mother's Day, our family had another special day that we remembered.  My maternal grandfather, Ellie Wallace Nesmith, was born on May 12, 1897.  He would have been 116 years old.

I remember many special things about granddaddy - none the least of which is something he often said to me "Pretty is as pretty does" - or as the prophet Samuel said to Jesse, father of David, when he was in search of the next king of Israel - "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart".

All of my grandchildren look OR act a little like me - because all of them look OR act a little like their parents.  It is my hope that all of them - come to understand that what's important is how we look on the inside.

Who looks like you?

PS This Friday, Allie is doing something that I did as a fourth grader. Do you think I look like her?

Paula and Miss Hall - Fourth Grade trip to St. Augustine - Have fun, Allie!

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