Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What's my name?

My brother, Lester, reminded me of an old family game recently after he had been in the home of some of my grandchildren.  He said my granddaughter, who knows he is connected to our family, but doesn't know him well, asked him his name...

"Puddin and tane; ask me again and I'll tell you the same".

Lester told me this was met with a quizzical look so he did it again and she still was unsure.  In a few minutes her little brother arrived on the scene and it made perfect sense to him!

A few weeks later that same little boy was choosing the person who would ask the blessing at a family dinner and he suggested that Uncle Lester pray.  One minor detail - Uncle Lester wasn't there, but Mr. Coulter was and he asked the blessing.

Why is a name important?  Well, certainly better to call someone by name rather than just say "Hey you".  And when we were growing up, we were not allowed to refer to anyone (especially our mother) with a pronoun.  Had to use the name.

But what about the surname.

In 1967 when I married Ray Parker, I would have never dreamed of not taking his name. 

Fifteen years into that marriage we divorced.  We had three children whose name is Parker, so I certainly didn't go back to Huffingham, but I have always wished that I had at least kept Huffingham in the legal name.  I married Rich Suhey and although I loved one of my nicknames - P2 (as in P squared), I was happy to go through the steps of changing my name again.

For 15 years my name has been Paula Huffingham Suhey - something I don't see myself giving up.  Except I suddenly realized that it's not the Suhey that I can't give up.  It's the Huffingham.  So I've devised a plan.  I'm going to have a professional name - Paula Huffingham.  I'm going to have a professional banner under which I write - Paula's Pen.

I'm not sure what all this might this entail. I do know I have a new gmail account - that I will use for business correspondence henceforth.  That's kind of cool.

And, happily I don't have to give up - Paula, mom, grand or grandma, Aunt P or sweetheart!  After all - a rose by any other name - smells just as sweet!

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