Wednesday, April 17, 2024

In sunshine, in rain - that spring will come again

 It's been one of my favorite songs for almost 60 years.

Maria was leaving the Abbey - where she had felt safe and wanted to be since she was a child. The Mother Superior suggested that she might take a leave from her quest to become a Nun and spend some time as a nanny, As Maria was en route to the Von Trap family home, she questioned her ability...and then burst into song that ended up with her saying

I have confidence in confidence alone because as you see I have confidence in me. (I have Confidence, Oscar Hamilton II and Richard Rodgers)

Most of the time I am confident. I am not shy - I talk more than I listen - I'm a helper, a support person.  

As a college freshman, I checked into the dorm ahead of a few young women and after a few days, one of them complimented me on my confidence when they arrived.  She had no idea. I was just like her - scared to death.

I just know how to wing it.

Except - when it comes to sharing my words or helping with someone else's words.

Several weeks ago, I was approached for an editing job. I wanted to do it. I thought I could do it. But I was frightened as  I met with the writer and then as I spent a few weeks working on the project I kept asking myself if  I really knew what I was doing - was I the right person for the job???

I deposited the check for my work yesterday!

I know I can write. I know that sharing who I am and encouraging others - with words - is one of my "gifts".

Two phrases keep running through my head. One is from Scripture. The Apostle Paul wrote this to the church at Philippi:

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV).

I also am remembering The Little Engine that Could - "I think I can, I think I can" - which ends with "I thought I could"! While that book, (published by Platt & Munk in 1930) is counted among the 100 books that are best for children, I think the premise works for me - even as it did as a little girl.

And should you be curious as to where this is leading? Recently,  I read a devotional and thought "Paula, you could have written that". So I'm sending an inquiry to an editor.

Perhaps someday my "I think I can" will be replaced with "I knew I could"!

                                                     May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows

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