Thursday, April 25, 2024

"What do you know about art?"

I was sharing plans for the week with my friend.

Monday included judging a high school art show.

I took no offense to the question. I had wondered myself "what did I know about art?" when my high school friend, Ann Hardy McGee asked if I could do that.

While I did inherit a creative spirit from my mother, my gift is words. Mother's was a paintbrush or colored pencils or even crayons in her last days. However, almost every day I open the Harriet Beecher Stowe Gallery at the Mandarin Museum where the work of Memphis Wood (who was my mother’s teacher at Landon in the early 40’s) is on display. My office at the Museum includes the skill of artists including Lee Adams, C. Ford Riley, and Brenda Councill.

And this is above my desk at home.

So, with my friend, Laurie Lemminn, I made my way to University Christian School for "Night of the Arts “where we were escorted through the halls where the creations of lower school students decorated the walls.

We arrived at the school cafeteria where easels with flowers and butterflies theme lined the room. We were amazed at the various techniques that were included. I loved the works that included flowers, roses, and sunflowers especially. Laurie loves butterflies so those stood out to her.

And then we saw this one. -

Ann told us that it was the work of Luke Lehmann. a graduating senior in AP Art who has not determined which of the many colleges who are inviting him to bring his skill and let them help him make it better. will be his choice.

To our surprise, we were given a gift card for our time. I made a trip to Ace Hardware's Garden Shop. I know that it was my mother who knew what to do with flowers. And she would want to paint or draw these once she had planted them.

However, I have decided that working in the yard is something that I might have inherited from my mother. I do know that I love to mow the grass. The flowers might make it, but don't look for any artwork from me.  Remember, my gift is words. "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others." I Peter 4:10 (NIV)

May you have enough sunshine in your life  To make you appreciate the shadows

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

In sunshine, in rain - that spring will come again

 It's been one of my favorite songs for almost 60 years.

Maria was leaving the Abbey - where she had felt safe and wanted to be since she was a child. The Mother Superior suggested that she might take a leave from her quest to become a Nun and spend some time as a nanny, As Maria was en route to the Von Trap family home, she questioned her ability...and then burst into song that ended up with her saying

I have confidence in confidence alone because as you see I have confidence in me. (I have Confidence, Oscar Hamilton II and Richard Rodgers)

Most of the time I am confident. I am not shy - I talk more than I listen - I'm a helper, a support person.  

As a college freshman, I checked into the dorm ahead of a few young women and after a few days, one of them complimented me on my confidence when they arrived.  She had no idea. I was just like her - scared to death.

I just know how to wing it.

Except - when it comes to sharing my words or helping with someone else's words.

Several weeks ago, I was approached for an editing job. I wanted to do it. I thought I could do it. But I was frightened as  I met with the writer and then as I spent a few weeks working on the project I kept asking myself if  I really knew what I was doing - was I the right person for the job???

I deposited the check for my work yesterday!

I know I can write. I know that sharing who I am and encouraging others - with words - is one of my "gifts".

Two phrases keep running through my head. One is from Scripture. The Apostle Paul wrote this to the church at Philippi:

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV).

I also am remembering The Little Engine that Could - "I think I can, I think I can" - which ends with "I thought I could"! While that book, (published by Platt & Munk in 1930) is counted among the 100 books that are best for children, I think the premise works for me - even as it did as a little girl.

And should you be curious as to where this is leading? Recently,  I read a devotional and thought "Paula, you could have written that". So I'm sending an inquiry to an editor.

Perhaps someday my "I think I can" will be replaced with "I knew I could"!

                                                     May you have enough sunshine in your life

                                                         To make you appreciate the shadows