Thursday, November 23, 2023

Turkey 'toup, spinach and pumpkin

 I suppose most of us have a Thanksgiving memory that includes a favorite food.

My friend, Sarah, was surprised to have heard macaroni and cheese from a friend.  Her favorite, she said, was cranberry sauce.  And her mother piped in with her least favorite - green bean casserole.

Our daddy had definite ideas when it came to food. Once when my brothers were small - I think Lester was four - we were visiting friends in South Carolina and after a lovely meal - when we were all in the room our parents shared - I guess for an afternoon nap - mother told daddy that we were having turkey soup for supper.

Daddy was not impressed.  And Lester heard his response.

And so it was that when it was time for the blessing and Lester was invited to pray - he thanked the Lord for the turkey 'toup.

Sometimes I am not as kind as I should be when I share memories of my life with Ray Parker.  I do have some good ones.  He was a great "preacher".  I remember some very good sermons.

He often used this analogy when talking about accepting things we didn't like when we know God has a purpose.

He loved chocolate cake - especially when his mother made one.  He would describe in detail the taste and texture - and the way it looked on the plate.  But then he would say that before he could enjoy the cake his mother insisted that he eat what was good for him and that often-included spinach.


And then there's the pumpkin. Since late summer we have been "bombarded" with all the ways to enjoy pumpkin

What a great marketing ploy.

Which is not to say that I don’t enjoy pumpkin – especially the pumpkin bread that is made each year by my neighbor, Marie, and my daughter-in-law, Kristen

Whether it is what we eat, what we experience, or even what we BUY

The important think about this day: 

   For family, friends, and faith -not necessarily in that order.

 May you have enough sunshine in your life

To make you appreciate the shadows

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