Friday, April 7, 2023

I heard what he was saying

The fog was beginning to lift.

The year - 1984.  My children and I were getting accustomed to the life of a single family.  This was not the way that my life was supposed to be.  I was born to be a "preacher's wife".  That was gone.  I was a divorced mother of three who lived in what we called the Huffingham family compound.

Most of the time it was like the Waltons.  We all loved and lifted each other up.

However, there were still those days when I felt defeated. 

And then I heard a preacher named Tony Campolo.  He actually was quoting S. M. Lockridge

"It's Friday, but Sunday's coming"

   “It’s Friday - Jesus is praying - Peter’s sleeping - Judas is betraying - But Sunday’s comin'. It’s Friday - Pilate’s struggling - The council is conspiring - The crowd is vilifying - They don’t even know - That Sunday’s comin.   It’s Friday - The disciples are running like sheep without a shepherd - Mary’s crying - Peter is denying - but they don’t know - That Sunday’s a comin.

Later I read Campolo's book by that same title.  It was written for everyone who has lost a love, been let down by life, feels like their universe is unraveling. I heard what he was saying. 

That was almost 40 years ago.  There have been many more "Fridays but Sundays's comin" in my life.  But not so many that I don't still appreciate the fact that even though the day seems bleak, I'm glad I know  ' this too will pass'  and sometimes in the most unexpected and wonderful way.

And I look forward to a pre-dawn celebration of remembering that Sunday more than 2,000 years ago when "early in the morning as it began to dawn. . . "  which I will do in the Mandarin Cemetery - made more special to me because that is the place where my parents so appreciated Sunrise service.

Which brings me back to how I really got to where I am today

It is because of the faith that was instilled in me as a child - and the fact that it was my parents who taught me that what is important is that although it's Friday - Sunday's Comin.  I can still hear my daddy's words

He is risen indeed!

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