Friday, January 20, 2023

Heirlooms and Heritage

It's because my mother moved into the family homeplace in 1968 and my parents moved in with me in 2005.

Who starts a story with answers???  Am I trying to develop a new skill -- have I become a 2023 version of the riddler???

No.  I'm just suddenly asking myself why do I have - my Grandma Nesmiths chine and her silver-plated flatware?  Or my mother's wedding china or the hat she wore when she left for her honeymoon more than 75 years ago?

Well -- I inherited all of that  - and more.

I recently dreamt that I gave my second daughter, Renee, that china.  When I told her she said, "Mom, please don't give me that china".  I'm sure it wasn't because she didn't love and appreciate her grandma.  I know that she already has three sets of china that she inherited - as well as sterling silver flatware that she rarely uses.  

I assured her that it was just a dream.

It was February 1996.  After more than 65 years - the house that had been home to the Nesmiths and Huffinghams was being emptied. Box after box was filled with things that were a part of the lives of so many - Ellie and Pauline Nesmith, their six children - Rudolph, Iva, Thelma, Carolyn, Ann, and Beth  and later - Iva and Earl and their four - Paula, Cindy, Jonathan and Lester - and at different times, my children  - Becca, Renee, and Tray and Cindy's - Chad, Brad, and Leslie.

That was 27 years ago.  Before my mother died last year she had moved 8 times between 1996 and 2022 -- each time downsizing. When the last of her possessions arrived  -- there were three or four boxes. 

Some things were already with me - her books - and her journals.  Soon I will go through those journals  - shed a few tears and glean what I can from them. Maybe I'll transpose some of her words and put them in a book. She would like that.  .  .just like she liked it when I used the china that was grandma's or hers.  

They are after all heirlooms that are a part of my heritage  EXCEPT  

I have 17 cousins on my mother's side and 8 nieces and nephews who share my ten great nieces and nephews...Am I being selfish? Should I share? Does anyone care????

I'm not sure about that - but what I do know is that ALL of the grandchildren of Ellie and Pauline Nesmith - and ALL of the grandchildren of Earl and Iva Huffingham ----

Truly appreciate our heritage and the heirlooms!

 May your life have enough sunshine, 
To make you appreciate the shadows

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