Friday, April 15, 2022


When I learned that Ray Parker no longer wanted to be married and that my children and I would not be a part of his life, I was beyond devastated. My dear Aunt Thelma sent me a card with this message: 

“Sometimes what seems like the end…. Is really just the beginning”.  

Those words have provided comfort and peace in my life for many years.

So many times, I’ve felt like something was over and I felt very sad, sometimes even destitute.  And I often draw from those words of encouragement.

I imagine that’s how the followers of Jesus must have felt on this day in history.

Even though Jesus had been telling them, it was more than they wanted to take hold of.  Surely Jesus was going to come into His kingdom as a King.

Why in the world this day has become known as GOOD FRIDAY??? It’s a horrifying day in History. Cicero called Jesus’s death on the cross “cruelty a most disgusting penalty” and Josephus said” it was the most pitiable of deaths.

 And yet hear Jesus' words:

“It is finished – not it’s finally over"

It’s as if he said “For this, I was born, and I have come to the world to bear witness to this truth”

On this day we remember the steps and the horror  - So we leave the story with friends coming to take Jesus down off of the cross and take his body to a tomb.  We all know how difficult it is to leave our loved one’s body in a cemetery or even a columbarium. 

Except – “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming”

                                               May your life have enough sunshine 

                                               to make you appreciate the shadows

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