Monday, September 23, 2019

The best part

I love Downton Abbey.

I know.  I'm not alone!

Early on Sunday of this week, I set my table for a gathering of fellow Dowtonians. We were going to enjoy the Downton Abbey movie and then coming to my home for "high tea".  The table held some of the pieces that I had inherited because my mother lived with me - and she brought them having inherited them from her mother.

And from somewhere came a voice.

"You are just like Grandma Nesmith".

I remembered my maternal grandmother's love for entertaining and the many opportunities I had enjoyed helping her with a dinner party.

I loved it!

Later in the day as I enjoyed the movie, I so appreciated the conversation between the Countess Dowager and her granddaughter, Lady Mary.

"You have the best part of me".

My mind went quickly back to the morning experience.

Grandma was more than a good hostess.  She was a great cook (especially yeast rolls), was very caring for others (took in elderly persons and helped them so much in their dying days) and I believe was a very supportive wife to our granddaddy (although she never imagined he would become a minister almost 25 years into their marriage).

However, I did get her love of entertaining.

My paternal grandmother was a quick-witted little lady.  She had the uncanny ability to make each of her 8 grandchildren believe they were her favorite.  And she loved shoes!

And now I am wondering. Which part of me do my grandchildren have?

It could be my love of shoes, my appreciation for words, or yes - my love of the Florida Gators.  It could be my love for Scripture or music, and yes - for entertaining.

But what I'd want them to have - something I appreciate about me - is passion.  If I believe it - you know it!

That's also what Mary's granny believed to be her best part.

I think I'm in good company!

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