Tuesday, August 13, 2019

They would say "thank you"

We have been in the process of going through some more of our mother's things.

I stumbled upon a box of note cards.  They included drawings that our mother did between 2011 and 2015 when she finally switched from being creative to coloring. Mother has been a note writer for as long as any of us can remember.  And many of our family members and friends have been the recipient of some of her sweet words of encouragement.

The timing of my discovery was perfect.

I have recently finished Love, Loss and Dementia by Lauren Austine and Holly Gershbein, two childhood friends who grew up to share the experience of their mothers suffering from dementia. The book has been so helpful.

Holly included some words entitled "If my mother could talk with me".  She says that she thinks her mother would say she had loved her from the day she was born; that her mother had a wonderful life because she was in it and that her mother thanked her for being her best friend and advocate."

On a personal note as I began to separate the note cards and put them with envelopes to use in the future I realized that I actually had taken her drawings and created those note cards.  It was really good for me to be reminded of something I did for my mother.

At this point, it is very difficult to find ways to help her.  She recognizes us but something that's a little different - she never asks for anything (I mean that with respect -we all now appreciate the fact that she always needed just one more "little thing" - and that daddy had always been able to do it -something we never quite succeeded at).

And then as if my mother were sitting at my dining room table I heard her repeat a story from her childhood.

Her great-grandma, Annie Rebecca Gamble lived with them when she was small.  Grandma Gamble loved flowers and when she watered them she always said: "Can't you just hear those flowers - they are saying thank you for the drink of water."

And then I "heard" mother say "And I thank you for all you do for me."

Somehow  - although my mother cannot take care of herself - she sent me a message that helps me take care of me!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows

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