Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Heavy traffic - Operator error

I was so excited.

My friend, Virginia and I were planning to meet for an early breakfast.

Our usual pattern is to meet once a week.  Vacation and other events had prevented that from happening.  It had been three weeks since we had a visit.

She had things to tell me.  I was ready to listen.

I, of course, always have something to tell.

Our scheduled time to meet - 6:30 AM.  Early riser that I am, this was not an issue.

I left my house at 6:10 for the 20 minute drive across the Buckman to "her" Panera's.  She lives in Orange Park and we always try to meet somewhere between my Mandarin house and hers.

There was an accident on the south side of the Buckman.  I made a mental note that by the time I headed back to Mandarin it would be cleared up.

I was sailing along when I suddenly realized I had missed the Blanding/Collins Road exit.  Oh well, I had time.  I'd just go to the next exit and turn around. That would be about 5 miles on 295. 

Remember that accident on the Buckman.

And wouldn't you know I did the exact same thing I had done earlier?

I missed the Blanding/Collins Road exit.

The clock was ticking.  Virginia's time frame meant she would need to leave at 7:45 AM.  It was 7:10.  Could she wait?  Should she wait?

The traffic continued at a snail's pace.

We finally decided we should reschedule.

I enjoyed a nice quiet breakfast at Cracker Barrel (by myself).  I had called the experience -Heavy traffic - operator error.  I thought of what this operator did to make an error.  Was I daydreaming?  Was I so sure about where I was going that I didn't concentrate?

Do I have too much on my plate?

Hum - that's a novel thought.

Bottom line -I decided not to pout.  I"m already working on that "too much on my plate" plan.

However, both Virginia and I truly believe that 'all things work together for good' and are now looking forward to finding a time to meet next week.

I'm still disappointed but I'm smiling.  Everything always has a way of working out!

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
 to make you appreciate the shadows

1 comment:

  1. We also know the value of being flexible! And we know that God will have us meet again at just the right time! Love you!
