Monday, December 18, 2017

Count it all JOY

 It's guest blogger week.  My daughter, Renee, and one of her ministry partners, Todd Villemont, put together an Advent Devotional for the children and parents they serve at the First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida.  I asked Renee if I could share it.

Christmas of 1995 was full of joy for me because it was the year that Wally Blain asked me to marry him!  JOY!  In the fall of 1999 and the summer of 2002, I felt a joy that I had never felt before as I celebrated the news that I was going to be a mommy!   JOY!  In the fall of 2006, I felt a fear I’ve never experienced when we learned our youngest had been diagnosed with a life-altering illness.  FEAR!  Yet in the midst of that, we were challenged to still find JOY!  How could that be possible?

Mary and Joseph offer an amazing example of finding JOY in the midst of circumstances that could seem fearful or uncertain.  Mary, a young Jewish girl steeped in tradition, was engaged to be married to Joseph.  JOY!  What an exciting time for both of them.  Enter an angel with the news of a baby- news that should bring JOY but most likely initially brought some FEAR!  

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way.   When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. “(Matthew 2:18)

In the midst of celebrating an engagement, they now have news of a baby.  And a baby before a wedding would promise to bring a lot of questions in Mary and Joseph’s life!  So, Joseph came up with a plan. BUT, because God is sovereign, an angel delivered different news to Joseph that encouraged him not to be afraid, but to understand that this was ALL a part of God’s perfect plan! (Matthew 2:19-21)

As the angel delivered this news to Joseph, he was sure to let him know that Jesus was to be called Immanuel- which means, “God with us.”  This news is what turns Joseph’s fear into JOY!  Because, he has the assurance that NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES COME THEIR WAY- GOD IS WITH THEM!.
This is how we can find JOY in the midst of fearful and uncertain circumstances.  This advent season, allow yourself to be reminded of the promise that when Jesus came to earth, He became GOD WITH US.  No matter what we face- HE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH US!

I have been a part of those times of JOY and FEAR as Renee and Wally walked through them.  I was reminded of a sermon that one of our dear friends, Rev. Jimmy Wilburn, preached many years ago.  He referenced James 1:2,3My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. and since that time when my family and I have been faced with trials I have endeavored to remember to 
Count it All Joy!

May your life be filled with enough sunshine

to make you appreciate the shadows

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