Monday, November 20, 2017

Grandma's blue bowl

"He knoweth the way that I take and when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10)

I thought it had belonged to my Grandma Nesmith.

Well, actually it did belong to my Grandma Nesmith.

What I didn't remember was that she got it from her mother, Marianna Michau Mercer and she got it from her mother, Mary Elizabeth Cook  Michau.

Until recently, I just thought it was Grandma's blue bowl.  I knew it had survived a fire at my parents' home in 1977 and then I was reminded it also survived a fire in South Carolina many years ago.

It was on a shelf in my parents home until my mother moved away -- and she thought I should have it so it now resides with me.  That means I am the fifth generation owner.

It has a lot of character, don't you think?

It's blue, but do you see the gold trim.  Look carefully.

And do you see that the pedestal is broken?

Fortunately, it still stands.

Somehow that bowl is a picture of life to be exact.

There have been times when I felt wobbly - like part of me was broken.

There are times when I feel blue.

And yet. . .

It is a reminder to me of these words:

Words that were given to me on my 70th birthday by my lifelong friend and cousin, Bonnie Smith Allen (we share Great Grandma Mercer and thus Great, Great Grandma Michau).  We know that our grandmothers (hers - Florence and mine,  Pauline) were great women....and we appreciate that part of our heritage. And let me be quick to acknowledge - lots of women - great women - join us - my aunts, their aunts and cousins.  The list could go on an on! And somewhere in that family history is that one of our ancestors swam the English channel ( I think that's right - it's a part of the LORE that we have all heard).

So what happens to the bowl next?  It stays on my shelf until I am gone and then the two great women who call me mom (Becca and Renee) can determine whose shelf on which it gets to stand.  And then one of their daughters will inherit it.  Unlike a family recipe that many can share, there is sadly but one bowl.

In the meantime, it is a constant reminder to me of our heritage...of the hard times and good, the laughter and tears, and the fact that all of us know -- when He hath tried me, we shall come forth as gold!

May your life be filled with enough sunshine

to make you appreciate the shadows

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