Monday, July 10, 2017

When the cross gets too heavy

During the summer months, when many of the Church of Our Saviour acolytes are at camp (either as campers or workers), we are often short when it comes to planning for the worship services.  That being the case, some of us who are regular chalice bearers are called on carry torches or to be the 1st Crucifer, meaning the person who leads the procession and recession - carrying the cross.

So when my name showed up as the 1st Crucifer for the 8:00 service on Sunday, July 9, I thought - okay - no big deal.  I carry a cross on Sunday nights for the evening service.  I even carry it when the 8:00 service is on the Riverbank.

"I can do this".

Even though I was a bit apprehensive about my duties.

All was well.

Until I lifted the cross.  I stood it on the floor.  It was taller than me.

And heavy.

And I was going to have to hold it high and process - not just down the aisle toward the altar but up a step.

I made it - praying every step of the way.

Once we were in our seats, I turned to one of the torch bearers, a strapping young man of 16.

"Can we trade jobs?"

Fortunately, he agreed.  I carried his torch for the rest of the service - and was much more comfortable.

Later in the day as I reflected on this, I had some moments of sadness that I was not able to carry the cross.  But then I remembered that someone came along and helped Jesus carry His.

I also thought of the many friends I have had who have helped me when my cross got too heavy. The people who walked alongside me in my disappointment, grief, and fear.

And I hoped I would be that kind of friend as well.

May your life be filled with enough sunshine

to make you appreciate the shadows

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