Wednesday, September 23, 2015

To change the things I can....

It's all about courage.

That's something the lion in the Wizard of Oz and I have in common.  I probably have more than he had but there are some areas where I have very little.

Like the dance floor.

I like to dance.  I wish I were a better dancer.  I have a little rhythm - I think.  But what's the deal?

It's the memories.

It was against our religion to dance when I was growing up.  The sixth grade graduation party, a pretty dress, and me standing against the wall.  The time someone I had a crush on asked me to dance and I didn't know where my arms were supposed to be.  The fact that I was always clumsy.  Or that I never learned.

My friend, Deborah absolutely loves to dance.  In fact to quote her: "It's as if you opened my head and poured a bucket of happiness into my being".  So it's fun to go with her and watch her be happy - as I sit and sip and listen as the music beckons - sort of like those old  Calgon commercials.  Sometimes people appear to be taken away.

And so it was on a recent Sunday afternoon when I went with Deb to a dance - her on the dance floor and me watching all the dancers...

The band was playing a Polka...

And it all began to come back - I remembered my cousin, Rick's wedding to Cheryl now more than 30 years ago.  The reception was in a huge hall - and everyone was dancing -- their dance of choice - the Polka. Someone asked me to dance - so I did.

My question to my brothers - did I look silly? was answered only as brothers can - "Well....yeah".

The issue was crystal clear.  It's all those memories.

Earlier that day a friend recalled the angst she still feels because her parents did not have a good relationship.  That afternoon I remembered her words - "But you know I am 63 years old and it's time for me to let that go".

Let that go - - -change what I can - - - HUM.

So the next time a gentleman asked - I said sure - and was swept onto the dance floor.  And then there was another...and as we left the party I said to Deborah - When's the next time we are going to do this?

I just need to have the courage to change.

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