Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Exquisite moments

   I love quotes.  I can spend much time enjoying Pinterest, reading the words and enjoying the graphics that have been used to emphasize the words.
   This should come as no surprise to anyone.  I'm always pulling quotes from my memory with a smart or  poignant remark that I'm hopeful proves whatever point I am endeavoring to prove.I talk about closed doors and open windows, always wonder what' was down in the well to come up in that bucket and am the proverbial - what goes 'round comes round person.
   My children know this and I have often been the recipient of a gift that has words inscribed.Such was the case this Mother's Day.
"I believe that every day should have at least one exquisite moment" (Audrey Hepburn -  talk about exquisite).
   The words made me start thinking - define exquisite.The excitement of my youngest grandchild, the one I call Radiant when the two of us meet; the way the grandson I call Caring - takes such good care of his great grandma; the voice of Effervescent, the laughter of Terrific, the smile on Glowing's face when the tennis match goes the way she wants, the sweet attitude of Awesome when faced with trials and the Amazement I felt when my eldest grandchild and I connected when she was 8 months old.      
   Obviously - I'm a bit enamored with my grandchildren. Almost as much as I always have been with my children.  I know I drive my friends a little crazy the way I can go on and on about them.  But I mean really - "have you met my children"?
   But there are other things I consider exquisite, The way the sun changes the dark outside my office window - the sounds of the birds, crickets and yes even the frogs in the early morning.
   An email from an old friend, a song that reminds me of a special time in my life; the smell of coffee brewing, a cup of tea in a china cup. Spell checking a document and seeing the words "no spelling errors"; a balanced checking account and finding a shirt on sale for much less than the outfit I am carrying in my hand.
   And then there was  a walk into a lobby where I heard "Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us" on the piano before I accepted the offer of a piece of candy from the front desk receptionist.  It was a Goetze  - a confectioner sugar filling encircled by caramel.  And why was that an exquisite moment.  Because our daddy loved that hymn and that candy.
   Each of us will have a different definition of that word.
   What does it mean to you?

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