Sunday, December 21, 2014

Until you give it away

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent.  Traditionally, we light the candle of LOVE on this day.

For more than 50 years I have been a Sound of Music fanatic.  I frequently reference songs from both the Broadway and screen version of the VonTrapp family's life.  From a determined attitude that proclaims "I've got Confidence" to understanding that "when God closes a door, He opens a window", and being willing to "Climb every mountain – till I find my dream."

I love the part when Maria and the Captain have returned from their honeymoon to find Liesl heartbroken because Rolf has become far more interested in the Third Reich than in her. Maria shares these words of advice:  "“A bell's not a bell 'til you ring it - A song's not a song 'til you sing it - Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay - Love isn't love 'til you give it away!”

Of course when we think of Christmas and love, it's God's love and the gift of His son to become our Saviour.

That was the emphasis in our family when I was growing up.  It was all about the birth of Jesus.  Santa Claus represented the spirit of Giving.  We did not believe in the man in a red suit and a beard.

My sister, Cindy, and I do however remember that we often left Cheezits and a coca cola for Santa Claus because our daddy liked that better than milk and cookies.  And I sometimes sprinkle Cheezits on our daddy's grave at this time of the year -'just a way of remembering.

Now just because we didn't really believe in Santa Claus, we did really believe in presents.  And I have many precious memories of the presents received and given.

And it truly was all about love.

Bible teacher, Chuck Swindoll suggests that we should not wait until Christmas for gift giving.  He suggests the gift of a complement, words of encouragement and even something as simple as the gift of a smile.  I thought of some of those intangible gifts I have received in 2014 and been very grateful

I recently learned about an organization called The Giving Keys ( According to the tag line on the website, "When you get this key, you must give it away".  The purchaser chooses a word (faith, hope, love, encourage, strength for example) which is inscribed on the key.

It then becomes the recipient's responsibility to give the key to someone else.  The founder of The Giving Keys is actress and songwriter, Caitlin Crosby who saw that we are like old keys – "unique, flawed, scarred…and at the risk of being discarded".  She wanted the keys to their purpose renewed. 

In Little Women, Jo is quoted as saying that it won't be Christmas without presents.  Who am I to think I should change the words of an author of Louisa May Alcott's stature?  However -
 "It won't be Christmas without the giving!"

One of the goals of the Giving Keys organization is helping the homeless. If you are interested in helping the homeless in Jacksonville, check out Church without Walls, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida. 

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