Monday, September 22, 2014

I found it...

So - for weeks I had lost this connection -- and finally this morning -- I found it.

I cannot tell you how glad I am to tell you that I found it.

Why - because when I lost it I made a switch that as it turned out was not very popular with many of my readers.

And what does any writer want?

That's a silly question isn't it?

We want to get paid for what we write.

But that's not really what we want = we just want people to read what we write.

On my recent, maiden voyage to the Bahamas I thought about what I would want to take with me should I end up on one of those sparsely inhibited islands.

Paper and pen.

I took a journal - and more than one pen on my cruise and I journaled.

About - the mass of humanity that greets you outside the market places especially in Nassau.  I didn't see that as much in Freeport.  Some ladies I  met told me that those people frightened them.  I was not at all frightened.  I was sad.

The way I saw it - how sad to have that kind of life.

My friend, Deborah reminded me that if they have never had a different kind of life, then they have no way to learn what that have missed.

Hum - that's worth thinking about...stay tuned.


  1. So glad to be again able to read your Blog! I have missed you!

  2. Yay! So glad to be able to click and get the rest of the story! I love you!
