Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It's all about HOPE

Jim Campbell was all about Hope.

The 68 year old, husband, father, grandfather and brother was most of all a friend and mentor. He died in September after a valiant fight with cancer.  He had been married to my cousin, Evalyn Nesmith for 46 years.

This is not an obituary.  Nor is it a eulogy.

It is a tribute to a man who loved history and the outdoors and journeyed through life and all across America with the joyful Christ by his side and took every step with passion and love, "Keepin' the Faith".

Jim Campbell was the teacher that parents wanted for their children. He shared his love of life with them and made them want to love it as well.

At his memorial, a group of thirty-something's stood and told of the hikes he had taken them on, of the laughter, of the adventure and most of all of the caring spirit that he had for his students.

And if you think he loved his students, how much more, his family.

As Jim neared the end of his life on earth, warm words of tribute poured in to his family.

One letter came to him just days before his passing. Hope's words were those of gratitude and appreciation for a friendship that began when she was in the ninth grade – 20 years ago.  She thanked him for teaching her that it's not good to always play it safe or have a plan but to be willing to experience the moment – to look for the good in people – and to share in the beauty of God's creation.

Evalyn, said that he could always see beyond the outside of a person to their inner potential, something he channeled into the act of becoming a wonderful teacher..

Those who knew him well saw him continue to be steadfast, believing that life is meant to be enjoyed.

A few months before his passing, Jim and Evalyn were traveling in North Carolina and found a bumper sticker that they claimed as their mantra for the rest of the time that they would share.  It read "don't postpone joy".

Which according to Hope, Jim Campbell personified. 

He was certainly a wonderful example of faith and inspiration and his legacy will live on – through the lives of his children, his grandchildren and his students.


Monday, September 22, 2014

I found it...

So - for weeks I had lost this connection -- and finally this morning -- I found it.

I cannot tell you how glad I am to tell you that I found it.

Why - because when I lost it I made a switch that as it turned out was not very popular with many of my readers.

And what does any writer want?

That's a silly question isn't it?

We want to get paid for what we write.

But that's not really what we want = we just want people to read what we write.

On my recent, maiden voyage to the Bahamas I thought about what I would want to take with me should I end up on one of those sparsely inhibited islands.

Paper and pen.

I took a journal - and more than one pen on my cruise and I journaled.

About - the mass of humanity that greets you outside the market places especially in Nassau.  I didn't see that as much in Freeport.  Some ladies I  met told me that those people frightened them.  I was not at all frightened.  I was sad.

The way I saw it - how sad to have that kind of life.

My friend, Deborah reminded me that if they have never had a different kind of life, then they have no way to learn what that have missed.

Hum - that's worth thinking about...stay tuned.