Saturday, January 11, 2014

The morning after

Have you ever had one of those time when you think..."Man I wish I hadn't said that" or "I should have said..." or "how in the world could have I forgotten to..." ?
I certainly have.

Once I made a comment to a supervisor.  It was not a bad comment, honest.  The supervisor was late to a meeting.  I was a little peeved.  I had spent several hours the night before in the ER with my dad (I think he had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop and since he had a blood related disorder, we didn't think that was anything to fool around with - but I digress).

Anyway my "boss" bounded in to my office and said "what are my assignments from the meeting?"

And I said "I'll let you know".As soon as I said it, I thought - okay Paula, go back - apologize - that really was a bit rude.

But I didn't.

And can tell you - more than 5 years later I think back on those four words and wish I had at least tried to smooth the waters.  I have no doubt but that the next three years that I worked with this person would have gone better and not ended on bad terms as I have always hated.

This week I was a part of a mailing that was a bit of a bear.  The more we worked to get it done, the more many that yesterday - after the mailing was in the mail -- I realized that a document that should have been in those envelopes "got left out".


And then I saw a couple of friends - and I said something that was not necessary.  May have been true but I really didn't need to go there.

So where am I this morning?

How about here:
"But one thing I do:  Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 3:13,14 - New International Version).            

Oh - and guess who helped me learn that principle when I was a freshman at Bryan College - all those years ago.  Well, then he was my boyfriend who became my husband and the very best thing of all - the father of our children!

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