Monday, September 23, 2013

Got it

Swish; Bam, Swish

Got it.


The baseball leaves the pitcher's hand; the batter hits the ball; the fielders see it coming and at least two of them watch it as it descends ...

Got it!


Brrrring; Brrring;  and someone says -

Got it


After trying to find the answer to a math problem, pulling up a zipper that is stuck (or the outfit is too tight) or finding something that we thought was lost ...

Got it.

Long introduction to something I am thinking of. Only I'm going to add a word -

God's got it.

Most every morning one of the things I do is read an on line devotional thought that comes from The Upper Room, a United Methodist Church publication.

I read one recently that made me think of where I am today. It was written by a nine year-old boy. He said that as he was playing soccer, a game that he doesn't feel like he is good at, he realized that a good soccer player is willing to pass the ball away to his teammates even when that means he won't get the goal so that the ball is kept away from the opponent.

No doubt the boy had help with the devotional, but here's the sentence that I liked:  "God knows exactly where to direct me to help me to overcome life’s obstacles and reach my goal",

There is always a scripture reference and this time it was about David when he was getting ready to meet Goliath.  The Bible says that he told the giant what he was planning to do - including making a statement that "the battle belongs to God" and then he did it.  Later in the same passage are the words "No sword for David".

This tells me that David knew what I need to learn.

In my quest for discovering the next steps in my life, I have shared, prayed, read and listened.

One person who I listen to is my friend, Virginia Pillsbury -- She tells me "God's got this".

And like the little boy in the Upper Room story, like David who went on to be called a 'man after God's own heart' and like those fielders in a baseball game  -- I can say - "got it" or at least

God's got it!

PS Knowing that God's got it, does not take away my responsibility.  David had to pick up that stone and put it in the sling.


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